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Englischsprachige Zauberbücher über Mentalmagie

Ein umfangreicher Bereich der Zauberkunst ist die Mentalmagie. In diese Sparte  gehören sowohl das Gedankenlesen, Gedankenübertragung,  Vorhersagen und Telekinese. In der Sparte mental stellen wir Ihnen eine große Auswahl an englischsprachicgen Büchern zur Auswahl. 

Ein umfangreicher Bereich der Zauberkunst ist die Mentalmagie. In diese Sparte  gehören sowohl das Gedankenlesen, Gedankenübertragung,  Vorhersagen und Telekinese. In der Sparte... mehr erfahren »
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Englischsprachige Zauberbücher über Mentalmagie

Ein umfangreicher Bereich der Zauberkunst ist die Mentalmagie. In diese Sparte  gehören sowohl das Gedankenlesen, Gedankenübertragung,  Vorhersagen und Telekinese. In der Sparte mental stellen wir Ihnen eine große Auswahl an englischsprachicgen Büchern zur Auswahl. 

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Nail Writer Anthology Zauberbuch
Nail Writer Anthology
The Nail Writer is, ounce-for-ounce, the most powerful tool in the mentalist's arsenal. The Nail Writer Anthology, compiled and edited by Thomas Baxter, is packed with routines, ideas and uses for this secret device. Many of these come from top name contributors such as Marc Salem, Barrie Richardson, James Randi, Hector Chadwick, Patrick Redford, Jim Magus, Raymond Carlyle,...
59,50 € *
Zum Produkt
Magical Mentalia and Magical Originalia - G.E.Arrowsmith Zauberbuch
Magical Mentalia and Magical Originalia -...
This soft bound 67- page book with 22 plus drawings is divided into two sections. The first section ´Magical Mentalia´ contains "not so difficult" mental magic with almost ordinary articles plus some miscellaneous magic. The second part ´Magical Originalia´ is a sequel to the first part that explains some original effects of the author. This is a good book on Psychic Magic...
8,50 € *
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The Indescribable Phenomenon Zauberbuch
The Indescribable Phenomenon
by Barry H. Wiley She was one of the most famous and successful mediums and mentalists of the twentieth century. She fooled the best minds of her time. She was, in the words of J. N. Maskelyne... "...a fascinating little blonde." After devoting twenty-eight years of research to her, Barry Wiley has written a biography that is both highly entertaining and thoroughly...
79,50 € *
Zum Produkt
The Stark Chronicles and Stark, the man and his methods by Dean Zauberbuch
The Stark Chronicles and Stark, the man and his...
If you like your magic Bizarre, and you like your books out of the ordinary, then this book set is for you. Imagine a long lost Diary and sketch book which chronicles the life and times of a man named Stark. In this diary you read of the amazing, bizarre, dark, magical goings on that Mister Stark put his old friend Strombil Trodworthy through, and are left to guess how he...
49,50 € *
Zum Produkt
Psychological Subtleties 2 Zauberbuch
Psychological Subtleties 2
Psychological Subtleties remains one of the best selling books in the magic and mentalism community and is considered a basic reference source for any complete library on our art. Psychological Subtleties offers ideas, tips and observations of natural human responses that can be inserted into performing situations to make the overall result of an effect much stronger,...
57,50 € *
Zum Produkt
Mentalism, Incorporated by Chuck Hickok Zauberbuch
Mentalism, Incorporated by Chuck Hickok
A Guide for Presenting Mentalism for Corporate Audiences More than just another book of great effects, Mentalism, Incorporated presents a detailed description of a complete corporate mentalism act...one that has provenn itself successful before corporate audiences of all sizes. Mentalism, Incorporated is the ideal book for the magician who wants to perform strong,...
72,00 € *
Zum Produkt
My Way To Mentalism - Tony Binarelli Zauberbuch
My Way To Mentalism - Tony Binarelli
For over 30 years, Tony Binarelli has done more than just fool his audiences-he has affected them. Using notepads, airplane tickets, cards, newspapers, and other everyday items people wouldn´t think twice about, he creates the impossible, peering into the minds and hearts of his spectators with unfailing accuracy. He makes people question their eyes, their ears, their...
39,50 € *
Zum Produkt
Encyclopedia of Mentalism Mentalists, 13 Steps
Encyclopedia of Mentalism Mentalists, 13 Steps
Achtung: Dieser Band enthält komplett die 13 Steps to Mentalism und zusätzlich Mindreaders Masters of Deception A step by step course on mental and allied magic. The 13 parts make a volume of over 300 pages, which will be a valuable addition to your library. These are the steps: Swami Gimmick, Pencil, Lip, Muscle Reading, Mnemonics and Mental Systems, Predictions,...
39,50 € *
Zum Produkt
The Mental magic of Basil Horwitz Vol. 4 Zauberbuch
The Mental magic of Basil Horwitz Vol. 4
Volume 4 is beautifully produced in the same style as Vol 3 and the contents are even more outstanding. You’ll find Psychic Roulette; the Unlimited Principle, a stunning prediction device; Ultimate Challenge Thought and Clairvoyance, a one-envelope message reading test; The Hot Chair plus a great deal more. A 74-page hardback book, edited by Martin Breese and Bob Gill and...
29,50 € *
Zum Produkt
Psychophysiological Zauberbuch
Psychophysiological Thought Reading by Banachek...
Literally two books in one! On one side of this 180-page hardcover is a reprint of H.J. Burlingame´s 1907 paperback release How to Read People´s Minds which includes some history on muscle reading and how it works along with a fascinating section on training your dog to read minds! Then give the book a flip end over end and you have Banachek´s Psychophysiological Thought...
48,00 € *
Zum Produkt
The Mental magic of Basil Horwitz Vol. 2 Zauberbuch
The Mental magick of Basil Horwitz Vol. 2
Edited by Martin Breese and Illustrated by Eric Mason. Softback in an edition of just 100 copies. Seven more incredible demonstrations of the paranormal that will entertain and perplex the most demanding audience. When I met Basil many, many years ago (well over 20 years ago) I saw him demonstrating his brilliant Poker Deal. He dealt cards to himself and to a spectator and...
24,50 € *
Zum Produkt
The Mental magic of Basil Horwitz Vol. 1 Zauberbuch
The Mental magick of Basil Horwitz Vol. 1
Edited by Martin Breese and illustrated by Eric Mason. Softback reprint in an edition of just 100 copies. This book was first published in 1981 and has been reprinted several times since then. The current reprint is a softback as was the first edition. The book was created from the Magicassette recordings on Basil Horwitz made by Martin Breese. The book received rave reviews...
24,50 € *
Zum Produkt
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