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Englischsprachige Zauberbücher über Mentalmagie

Ein umfangreicher Bereich der Zauberkunst ist die Mentalmagie. In diese Sparte  gehören sowohl das Gedankenlesen, Gedankenübertragung,  Vorhersagen und Telekinese. In der Sparte mental stellen wir Ihnen eine große Auswahl an englischsprachicgen Büchern zur Auswahl. 

Ein umfangreicher Bereich der Zauberkunst ist die Mentalmagie. In diese Sparte  gehören sowohl das Gedankenlesen, Gedankenübertragung,  Vorhersagen und Telekinese. In der Sparte... mehr erfahren »
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Englischsprachige Zauberbücher über Mentalmagie

Ein umfangreicher Bereich der Zauberkunst ist die Mentalmagie. In diese Sparte  gehören sowohl das Gedankenlesen, Gedankenübertragung,  Vorhersagen und Telekinese. In der Sparte mental stellen wir Ihnen eine große Auswahl an englischsprachicgen Büchern zur Auswahl. 

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Self-Working Mental Magic by Karl Fulves Zauberbuch
Self-Working Mental Magic by Karl Fulves
67 Foolproof Mind-Reading Tricks Karl Fulves, one of the most renowned modern writers in the field of magic, presents here 67 new and foolproof tricks-spectacular mental feats that seem impossible, but are easy to perform. None of the tricks require long practice, supernormal dexterity, or complicated apparatus. Mr. Fulves´ precise, easy-to-follow instructions and many...
9,50 € *
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Practical Mental Magic Annemann Zauberbuch über Mentalmagie
Practical Mental Magic Annemann
by Theodore Annemann Mind reading, thought transmission, prophecy, miracle slate routines and other "psychic" effects are among the most impressive tricks in any magician's repertoire. Their power to amaze and dumbfound an audience is unparalleled in the domain of stage magic. In this volume, one of the greatest of all mental magicians reveals the secrets behind nearly 200...
15,00 € *
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Sh-H-H! It´s A Secret - Annemann Zauberbuch
Sh-H-H! It´s A Secret - Annemann
For the greatest part, mental, with some card effects, here are 40 outstanding tricks of an extremely subtle nature. All easy with no sleights or moves, suitable for club, close up, etc. 48 printed pages, soft cover.
9,50 € *
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Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnotism Zauberbuch
Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnotism
by Ormond McGill A classic textbook. From this book, you can easily master all the basics of stage hypnotism. From "A Variety of Hypnotic Methods" to "Awakening the Subject," this book covers every detail of how to hypnotize, experiments to attempt with hypnotized subjects, and how to present an entire hypnotic show. Written by the dean of Hypnotists, Ormond McGill, this...
29,50 € *
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Prism by Max Maven Zauberbuch
Prism by Max Maven
While a sizable literature devoted to mentalism was produced in the past hundred years, little has stood the test of time. Among the scant amount that has is that of MAX MAVEN. Writing under the name of Phil Goldstein, MAVEN has created one of the largest, cleverest and most influential bodies of work in the field, stretching from the latter part of the twentieth century...
62,00 € *
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