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Englische Zauberbücher für Parkett und Bühne

Eine Informationsquelle für alle die, die Zaubertricks in einem etwas größeren Rahmen zeigen möchten. Hier finden Sie die entsprechenden Zauberbücher in englischsprachiger Sprache.

Eine Informationsquelle für alle die, die Zaubertricks in einem etwas größeren Rahmen zeigen möchten. Hier finden Sie die entsprechenden Zauberbücher in englischsprachiger Sprache. mehr erfahren »
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Englische Zauberbücher für Parkett und Bühne

Eine Informationsquelle für alle die, die Zaubertricks in einem etwas größeren Rahmen zeigen möchten. Hier finden Sie die entsprechenden Zauberbücher in englischsprachiger Sprache.

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Approaching Magic Zauberbuch
Approaching Magic
Over 500 Pages and 1000 Photographs. Bills, beer, socks, envelopes, DVDs, coffee cups, baskets, boxes, borrowed rings, portable darkness, pieces of paper, paperback books, a bulletin board, a glass canister, a wand, a pencil, and a marshmallow...plus Cards & Coins. Magic for Stand Up, Sit Down, Near and Far. How it Works and How to Perform it. Jim Steinmeyer : "David Regal's...
77,50 € *
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New Magic of Japan - Phil Goldstein and Richard Kaufmann Zauberbuch
New Magic of Japan - Phil Goldstein and Richard...
Back In Print! 25 Japanese magicians each presenting one effect ranging from close-up to stage magic using cards, coins, silks, paper flowers, sponge balls, canes, wands, rings, etc. Pages 123 – Hardbound
44,95 € *
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Rings in your Fingers - Dariel Fitzkee Zauberbuch
Rings in your Fingers - Dariel Fitzkee
A complete text on methods, mechanical devices, moves, techniques, figures, artifices, routines, etc., for performing one of the great classics in the repertoire of magic. It includes modern improvements, suggestions and ideas, together with routines eliminating the use of the key. Methods - Ring Sets - Special Rings - Arrangements - counts - Substitutions - Special Keys -...
32,00 € *
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Newspaper Magic Zauberbuch
Newspaper Magic
This publication has become the standard textbook on newspaper magic. Everything from productions, vanishes, liquid tricks, torn and restored tricks, close-up and stage routines are available in this volume. Gene Anderson´s famous Torn and Restored Newspaper routine is also tipped in full at the end of the volume.
24,50 € *
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Spectacle Zauberbuch
Mit Spectacle erhalten Sie ein Buch, dass eine Sammlung von phantastischen Trickkreationen bekannter Zauberkünstler enthält. Hier einige Namen, die überzeugen: Jonathan Pendragon, James Dimmare, Darryl, Rocco, Tommy Wonder, David Regal, Jay Sankey, Richard Kaufmann u.a. Beschrieben werden praxiserprobte Routinen mit Karten, Münzen u. anderen Dingen aus den Bereichen...
34,50 € *
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Books of Wonder Vol. I + II Zauberbuch
Books of Wonder Vol. I + II
Jim Krenz, when reviewing The Books of Wonder in The Linking Ring called them "quite simply the most important tomes published on magic." Jamy Ian Swiss in Genii wrote, "among the very greatest books of this or perhaps even the next, century." Michael Close in MAGIC said, "The Books of Wonder are the Our Magic of the late 20th century." We could go on, but you get the idea....
99,50 € *
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The Professional Touch - Billy McComb
The Professional Touch - Billy McComb
Wir haben sie, die Restauflage!!! THE PROFESSIONAL TOUCH BY BILLY McCOMB is back in print again and this time as a hardback. This is a revised edition of the book with a superb introduction by Kirk Charles reproduced with kind permission of the Linking Ring. We first produced this important book back in 1987 as a softback. Billy reveals some of his greatest routines in...
34,50 € *
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